[swiftsign swift_form_id=”adoptiongrant”]
I, [swift_name size=”medium”], agree that the information I provided in the form “Adoption Grant and Loan Program” is to the best of my knowledge true and agree to any terms and conditions provided within the form.
Do you agree with the above statement:
I agree that the information I provided in the form “Adoption Grant and Loan Program” is to the best of my knowledge true and agree to any terms and conditions provided within the form. [swift_radio name=”agree” options=”yes, no”]
Primary Signature
Signed and agreed on this [swift_date_long].
Primary Signer Initials:
Will your spouse be signing also? [swift_radio name=”two” options=”yes, no”]
[swift_showhide default=”hide” trigger=”two” value=”yes”]
Spouse Signature
Spouse Initials:
Primary Email: [swift_email name=”email” required]
[swift_button][swift_thanksurl url=”https://orphanministries.com/signedthanks/”]